Integrated low carbon policies and sustainable energy plans in the Alpine Space region are affected by common challenges. The future energy system, relying on renewable energies, will challenge all governance levels. Therefore, cooperation actions between all governance layers from villages to countries can help to make the Alpine Space a successful partner in the EU “new energy deal” for energy efficiency and renewable energy. The IMEAS multi-disciplinary team of technical, sociological, territorial partners, developed a consistent methodology and practical guidance for the creation and integration of roadmaps based on multi-level approaches to climate change mitigation, energy innovation potentials, economic structures and control of energy plans.

Experiences from some areas helped to fill the gaps in others through a cooperative and transnational approach capitalising the heterogeneity of the Alpine Space, their different cultures, planning principles and practice with software tools. To enhance the ability of public administrations and other entities to plan sustainable energy policies and select the right measures/instruments to implement them on a multi-level governance perspective, IMEAS proposed a new integrated approach to participatory roadmap development.

Basic data about the project:

Programme: Interreg Alpine Space

Project acronym: IMEAS

Project title: Integrated and Multi-level Energy models for the Alpine Space

Start date: 01.11.2016

Project duration: 38 months 

Project budget: 2.146.210 € (KSSENA budget: 178.038,44 €)

Lead partner: Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)

Partnership: 12 partners from 7 European countries
