In the school year 2022/2023 Energy agency for Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška region - KSSENA together with teachers and schools staff, started with energy checks at primary schools in Slovenia.

Four Primary schools that were involved were:

  • Osnovna šola Celje,
  • Osnovna šola Celje,
  • Osnovna šola Ljubečna and
  • Osnovna šola Janka Modra, Dol pri Ljubljani.

In the VISIONS2045 project, energy checks mean calculation of the school’s carbon footprint. We have used the carbon footprint calculator called “Schools for earth” developed by Greenpeace for calculations. In order to use it, schools have to collect a wide range of information on energy consumption, school trips, use of transportations to school, school’s kitchen, procurement of materials, waste separation and more. At these first activities, we have included teachers and schools’ staff to collect the data and then when the results came, we represented them to the pupils and other teachers.


The gained results from the calculator will be used as school’s footprint baseline and will give each school a good starting point in which direction they should work, to become climate neutral.

Teachers were really excited about the upcoming activities within VISIONS2045 project and preparations of schools visions with action plans, which will happen in school year 2023/2024. Even after these first activities teachers have already some great ideas on how to improve and what to change to lower their carbon footprint.


This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)